Do you have a Home Inventory?

If you don’t, you should!  Creating a home inventory of all of your belongings will make the process of replacing items through your insurance company much easier in the event you should ever fall victim to a natural disaster, fire or burglary.

Be thorough!  You own a lot of stuff.  You use some of this stuff daily and some of it very seldom. Be sure to include items inside and outside of your home and don’t forget those items in storage both in your home and off-site.  It will take some time to make a thorough inventory and document with photos, receipts and serial numbers.  However, the good news is that once you’ve done it, the future updates will be a breeze.

Use a method that will outlast any natural disaster or fire.  A digital version stored in the cloud would be best.  This could be a word or excel document with photo attachments or even a video.   However, if you prefer an old-fashioned paper list, be sure to store it off-site.

Many insurance companies have information and resources on their websites.  Some even offer checklists, tips and free online tools for helping to create your inventory.

If you have any questions about your inventory process, just give us a call.